Let me introduce the family. Doreen, wife and mother, grew up in Northern Ireland. Doreen trained as a nurse/midwife before entering the Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh. This led to involvement in Rural Evangelism in Northern Ireland before being called to serve as a missionary to Zaire. In Zaire she trained girls in midwifery and started up Sunday schools in the area. Doreen will share her experience with us all in the future. On her return from the mission field she met and married the then young Ken who at that time was working on ferries between Scotland and Larne.
James our son was born during our time in Belgium but has spent most of his life in England, going to University in Ipswich and obtaining his BA.
I served overseas with Operation Mobilisation in Spain and Italy (Summer Crusades) travelled overland to India and on to the first MV Logos (ship). In between times I spent a very short time in the Army and after OM joined the Merchant Navy.
After College, now married, with my bright new shining wife, I felt called to serve as a chaplain in Jamaica. This was before being sent to Belgium and then to Felixstowe URC. While in Jamaica, I served in the RNR and today I am still in it, as a sea cadet chaplain in Evesham. During my time in Felixstowe I was chaplain to 356 Sqn Air Cadets for nineteen years and was given an award for doing so. During my time in Antwerp I was called to help in the Zeebrugge Disaster 30 years ago.
From 2013 to 2017 I was the half-time minister of Broadway URC in the Cotswolds.
So we have come from over the seas, up though Cotswolds to the hills of Malvern in keeping with the above.